Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Brought to You By the Letter "D"

This terrifying Daria/muppet hybrid wants everyone to know that today is the anniversary of the late Jim Henson's birth in 1936. Henson left behind an amazing legacy, but the most fandom-relevant ones would be Mike Xeno's D is for Daria and Erin M's The Muppet Show: Cynicism & Violence.

On a less wholesome note, today is also the anniversary of Nirvana's Nevermind album, which was released on this day in 1991. It had a huge impact on the music scene at the time, inspired Trent to do a rare cover song, and also was instrumental in promoting grunge--to Quinn's utter disgust.

Today is also National Punctuation Day but I dont think Ill be celebrating this one You see Im totally rebellent that way

Fandom News!
  • Vote in the poll about the party incident with Brad and Brett Ruttheimer.

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