Sunday, September 8, 2024

Doesn't Anyone in Lawndale Have a NICE Grandma?

I see Grandma Lane is telling Jane that it's Grandparents' Day, although I don't think she needed to tell her with quite that much volume. With any luck Grandma Ruth will just stay home today and not throw the Morgendorffer house into upheaval again.

If she does show up, Helen could always try to impress her with her famous oatmeal pumpkin seed loaf, or rather she could have if she hadn't given her bread machine away. Instead, perhaps she could celebrate Date Nut Bread Day by trying a new recipe. It can't be worse than Jake's kitchen experiments, can it? Hmm. Don't answer that.

It might be better for everyone if they just get out of the house and go to a fun event like the Starry Night Ball, which took place on this day in whatever year Is It Fall Yet? took place. Then again, at $1,000 a couple I think they might want to take their chances with the passive-aggressive grandmother.

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