May 2 is a critical date in Is It Fall Yet? As Richard Lobinske notes in his chronology of the Daria series, "The morning of the last day of school at LHS, Jake notes the frozen waffles had an expiration date of May 2, and it was June." There will be a test later.
NEW! Roentgen has started a thread about the secret code names of Daria's classmates, if they were fighter pilots.
NEW! Richard Lobinske has also just updated the 2010 Daria FanArt listing. Thank you!
- NEWEST! Falling into College: The Clip Show, by RLobinske (Part 6): Our records show that DARIA L MORGENDORFFER has been assessed a fine of $1.00 – ONE Dollars and ZERO cents - for overdue library materials. Please remit payment to the Circulation Desk as soon as possible. If payment is not made within 4 (four) weeks of the above date, the fine will be reported to the Financial Services office and a hold placed on your account until payment is made.
- NEW! Kim Possible: The Solo Missions, by Erin M. (excerpt): Kim Possible entered the main common area of the dorm and went to a door behind the information desk. She knocked and waited. After a moment, a young woman in her mid-20s opened the door. She had shoulder length brown hair, glasses with thick black frames, and a somewhat sardonic expression. This was Kim's boss, a grad student who worked as the Senior Resident Assistant, or as everybody referred to her, the "House Mom," a term which caused her no end of irritation, which is why it was in common use in the first place. "Oh, hey, Kim," she said. "Hey, Daria," Kim replied. "Just wanted to let you know I'm heading out for break. You need me to do anything before I take off?" (SFMB)
- NEWER! A New Set of Rules, by Dennis (Part 10): "Are you going to start dating again?” The corners of Daria's mouth turned down. “Even if I wanted to, it's not like guys are lining up to ask me.” “Look around, Daria. I think you'll be surprised.”
- Springtime for Self-Esteem, by Ajar (Part 2): “Angela, it's two in the morning,” Margaret said as she threw another booklet on the pile. “All these proposals are blurring into one. How did you get so many submissions, anyway?” “It's amazing what you can get done with cafeteria vouchers and threats of mandatory staff calisthenics."
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