Oh, and Karl Marx is 192 years old today. Jake would remember him, if no one else does. (He got a copy of Das Kapital from Helen in that wedding anniversary flashback in "Sappy Anniversary.")
- NEW! Daria: Battle and Glory, by OverlordMikey (Contest Version): Ms. Li nodded. "Yes the students," she said, unconcerned. "Who did you have in mind?" "No one in particular," said Mike. "Students will get their parents' permission and two will be chosen." He paused for a moment. Li was obviously thinking about the cash and didn't question him about her students' safety, although she may have just assumed it was taken care of. After all, any lawsuits would be directed at them, not her. Still, his bosses would kill him if he didn't give the entire speech. "Our fighters are trained to fight safely in these situations. You have no fear." Ms. Li was already looking over the contract with a pen in hand. By the time he finished speaking she was signing. They shook hands and the deal with the devil was complete, although Mike wasn't entirely sure which of them was the devil in this situation. [See also here.]
- Finn Morgendorffer 45: Quarter Past Midnight, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 2): “Finn, I’m sure some brotherly advice would be very helpful.” Helen added. “Let’s see...never drink from a cup that’s been sitting. Always put your hand over your cup when you’re not drinking it. Never accept a drink from anyone, girl or guy, unless...” “Finn!” “What? I’m just giving her the advice you didn’t mention. Come on, didn’t you go to parties in college.” Finn protested. “And hey, that was back in the 70's. Didn’t everyone at college parties back then do all sorts...” “You don’t need to finish that sentence!” Helen returned sharply.
- Parents Are People, by Legendeld (Part 4): "Because of our parents," said Amy, "your mother doesn't believe that a man who doesn't hit a woman or drive drunk, has a drinking problem. As long as Jake didn't cross those lines, she couldn't see it as a problem." "So Mom let him drink because she though it was ok." Quinn was slightly confused. "So why is that a problem?"
- NEW! Shining Star: Temporal Conundrum, by RLobinske (Part 9): Archangel stiffened and said, "Uh-oh." Daria said, "I don't like the sound of that." "I just sensed a dimensional disturbance. And close." Richard said, "Daria, is there a Good Time Chinese restaurant in town?" "No, why?" "That would've made things a lot easier," Archangel said. "But I can manage."
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Update from Gamer:
It looks like PHP may have been updated today without full unicode support.
I've temporarily patched the php function to not use UTF matching and the
forum should be working again.
I'll see if I can get UTF support fixed and update to the latest stable
release of phpbb in the near future.
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