Lawndale High has a school nurse, but she is never seen, even when Daria goes to visit her in "Ill." We do get to see Nurse Chase's door, so we will use that here.
- Outpost Daria has updated again! Yay! DVDaria updated, too!
- Want something crazy to do? Check out Eye of the Beholder ~ A Crazy Fanfic Project Idea, by OverlordMikey.
- MDetector5 is producing sketches of Quinn for some of the fan requests he's received lately. The mojo is working!
- Before the Deprogramming, by Kristen Bealer (COMPLETE!): "I'll figure out a way to pay everyone back," Jane promised, "but I think I want to quit the scouts. I...I'm really sorry," she finished. The troop leader looked at Jane sadly. "I wish you'd reconsider," she said. "I know you've had a rough start, but I'd like to think you got something out of your time here." "Well, I got a humongous debt that will probably take years to repay. Does that count?" (FF.net) (OD)
- Daria: Hunter 6—Infectious, by Jim North (continued): The shooting ceased, then a figure slowly emerged from around the corner and started checking the corpses over. There was a momentary movement from the floor, then another burst of laser bolts tore one of the ghoul's head to pieces and put it down for good. Satisfied with its work, the figure stood up and moved away from the bodies, heading straight for where the women were standing. At first, Daria thought it might just be a trick of the night vision, but as the thing approached, she could clearly see that it was a robotic drone of some type, but not like any she had ever seen before. Even the heavily modified Vexxers the Landons had been building had been normal in comparison.
- Falling into College: The Clip Show, by RLobinske (Part 8): Jake sat on one of the sofas in the living room, flipping through a white-covered photo album. "I'll let you in on a little secret. Despite her cool outer appearance, my little Daria likes to be the drama queen on occasion. When she does, you can be sure it's something special."
- Finn Morgendorffer 46: Shields Up, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 1): “Kevin! What are you doing here?” Finn asked once he hurried his way over. “Trying out,” Kevin replied. “Why are you trying out? You were a senior last year. That means you don’t go to high school anymore... wait, did you flunk?” “Hey, shut up!” Kevin remarked. Finn, however, erupted into laughter. “I don’t know what’s more shocking. The fact that you’re a five-year, or that I didn’t guess this would happen.” “Hey, it’s all Barch’s fault!"
- It's All Virtual, by Yogi (COMPLETE!): It all started with a computer repair bill. Three HUNDRED Dollars. To a college student, this was a fatal blow to any budget, and yet she needed a computer to get any work done. After swallowing her pride and asking her parents for a small loan, Daria decided to take a basic computers class just so she could fix the damn thing when it broke the next time, or at least tell if she’s being ripped off. One class became two, two became six, six became a minor, then...
- Jacob Morgendorffer, Esq., by CAP (Part 9): “Okay, Daddy,” Helen laughed into the telephone. “Oh, here’s Jake now if you want to talk to him. Okay, I love you, too.” “It’s Daddy,” Helen said extending the telephone to Jake as she stood. Jake nodded wearily then pecked her on the cheek before taking the telephone. With an inaudible sigh, he sat down in the overstuffed chair that his wife vacated. “Hi, Dad,” he said. “How are you?”
- NEW! The Mack of Mack, by Ticknart (COMPLETE!): Michael Jordan MacKenzie, better known as "Mack" to fans of MTV's reality series Daria just released on DVD, sits at a table just inside Pittsburgh's The Tin Front Cafe. He gets up and waves me over as I scan the room for him, before I even had the chance to take in the charming ambiance. "You're not late," he apologizes. "I was early. I'm always early. I charge clients by the hour, so I want to make sure that they have plenty of time, if they want it. Plus," he smiles, "it's always nice to be out of the office just a little longer."
- Shining Star: Temporal Conundrum, by RLobinske (Part 11): "Ahhh!" Jane said as she reappeared in to the courtyard of Terra Beacon One. "What the hell just happened?" Daria said, "Your counterpart transported us to a planet in another universe." "Daria," Jane said. "There's no way you can afford this. You must've drugged me."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Mother's Day Cards), by Jim North (COMPLETE!): [Won't give this one away!]
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Mother's Day Cards), by x (COMPLETE!): [Janet: too short to sample!]
- Unnamed story (More Crossovers Not Yet Crossed Over), by Roxanne M (COMPLETE!): "Helen, I have a new client! Some guy named Red Geen called and wants me to help him market his Duct Tape/Handymans Museum." (Daria/Red Green)
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Ouch Time), by Minx (COMPLETE!): He was torturing himself, thinking only of the good times they shared. It shredded him inside, but that was good he wanted, needed to feel bad it was the only thing keeping him sane. Sure there had been bad times, that was why she had left him for another man, someone he had regarded as his friend.
- NEWER! Unnamed story (More Crossovers Not Yet Crossed Over), by Ranger Thorne (COMPLETE!): "Well Daria," Red said as they stood outside the lodge, "I'm sorry about it taking so long to get your boyfriend's car fixed." "Trent is not my boyfriend," Daria reminded him again. (Daria/Red Green)
International Nurses Day, eh...? *goes to drawing board*
CAP was kind enough to point out, in a friendly way, that I am an idiot. Florence Nightingale was an English nurse who worked with patients in the Crimean War. She had nothing to do with the American Civil War. I was, of course, speaking of an entirely different Florence Nightingale from an alternate universe, which was the cause of my error.
And DVDaria updated! Whoo!
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