On the brighter side, this is the 102nd birthday anniversary of Mel Blanc, who was the voice actor for so many Warner Brothers cartoons. You rule, dude.
SPECIAL BULLETIN: We bring you "An Open Letter to Heidi Montag from Quinn Morgendorffer," courtesy of Jezebel.com. Be warned that some of the links on that webpage are NSFW and NSF anything else, but the article was too good to pass up.
- The Dream of the White Darkness, by jtranser (continued): As Daria walked out to the exit porch, she saw the new signs posted on the wall. The Authority had declared a State of Emergency at the Labs, and listed its rights derived therefrom: "The Authority has the right and duty to question and demand answers. It may arrest and detain persons whose behavior gives reasonable grounds for such actions. Such persons are to be detained for a period to be determined by The Authority and may or may not be released at the discretion of The Authority. The Authority may establish cordons and curfews requiring persons to stay indoors and not leave without a required permit issued by The Authority. The Authority expects you to have a good day. And it will be checking to see that you do."
- Morgendorffer, by Lord Akiyama (Part 1): "Rise and shine, Miss Morgendorffer," the first maid managed to say in a sleepy tone. She rocked the other's shoulder back and forth repeatedly until she finally stirred. "It's another beautiful day for her highness to abuse her social status upon by spending more than her given allowance on clothes and eying pathetic suitors for her to manipulate in the evening." (Daria/Blackadder)
- Raft College: The First Year, by rglovejoy (Part 1): Daria Morgendorffer took a sip of water from the plastic bottle. It was important to keep oneself hydrated during a flight, she thought. She'd read about all of the things that can go wrong while flying. For instance, Deep Vein Thrombosis.
TAG, WHENCE this divine picture?
Hey! It's from the Beavis and Butt-head book, This Book Sucks.
I will search for this book.
"Reading Sucks" also has a few Daria pictures in it.
Sorry so slow!
By the way, there actually is a St, Daria:
The Catholic Church observes her feast day on October 25th.
Found it before, still love it!
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