Fanfic Update!
- Behind A Glass Enclosure (Long Story Challenge #4, Round 2), by LadieT (part 2): "Curtis pulled out an old wadded up dollar bill. He stared at the 1993 Washington in his hand for a moment. It was the best of years, it was the worst of years. He handed the bill to Charlotte, told her goodbye, and headed for the tiny employee parking area. As he drove his bike back towards Lawndale, he looked up to see the Giant Strawberry. He tried to focus on the road, but his mind drifted back to another time."
- Daria/Dorian Ch. 15: Summertime Blues, by LadieT (part 4): "'I'll talk to you on Friday and I'll see you in a couple of weeks. I know you're going to impress them all. I just hope your sister doesn't make your life a living hell while you're here. I love you,' Dorian whispered. 'I love you, too. Try not to get hurt and good luck with your writing class. Talk to you soon. Daria - take care of him,' Jane's voice cracked."
- Deleted Scenes from the Punkverse: Achy Jakey Heart (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: It's Friday!!), by GlitterShrooms (COMPLETE!): "'And this medication tastes like ASS!” said Jake. 'JAKE!!' responded Ruth, 'How could you possible know what ass tastes like?'"
- Esteeming Out The Gutter, by RX-87: "He gazed at Daria, hope finally returning to his eyes, 'Do you want to talk about Jesus?' O'Neill said excitedly. 'No thank you.' Daria said, flashing a Mona Lisa smile you'd need a high speed camera to catch, 'I was born a Cthulhu cultist, I'll die a Cthulhu cultist.'" (New part) (Next new part)
- Eternal Return and Other Theories, by Stripey (part 3): "The minor adrenaline rush wore off, and later she would remember nothing past looking at the computer screen, knowing everything was taken care of, and feeling all of the stress drain out of her. Evidently it was all that had been keeping her upright."
- God Save The Esteem Ep31: Achy Jakey Heart, by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "Helen looked to Daria, who stood ramrod straight and pale skinned. Amy touched her sister’s hand, pointed upwards: ‘go’. The punk gratefully headed upstairs to handle Jake, Amy moved in closer to Daria; all done in two seconds. Quinn had looked concerned but was going back to her book, so no immediate crisis. (A quick glance showed Erin was moving closer to Eve) 'Hey sprat. You want to-' Daria nodded." (Bonus part)
- The Hollow Heads Of Fielding (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: It's Friday!!), by RX-87 (COMPLETE!): "*Tom is shocked to see Pat Seven with a huge mohawk, though still dressed horrendously preppy.* Tom: What in God's name have you done to yourself? Pat: Isn't it great? Now Killer Quinn's sure to notice me!"
- Hungry Eyes (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: It's Friday!!), by breitasparrow (COMPLETE!): "'Uh... what are you doing? And who are you?' The girl asked. It was Tom's sister, Elsie. Jane was a deer caught in headlights; this wasn't the way she expected to meet her boyfriend's sister for the first time. Rather than try to respond, she closed the fridge, zipped up her bag, and walked out. Elsie, still stunned at what she witnessed, walked into the den. 'I sure hope that was that girlfriend of yours emptying our kitchen just now,' she said."
- The James Lane Chronicles Chapter 6, by InvisibleDan (part 4): "James put his pencil down and got up. He went directly to the desk without looking at the other students. He walked quickly and stopped right in front of Hans and asked him what he wanted. 'Do you have a problem? You haven't moved in so long I was wondering if you were attempting to be a human sculpture.' 'Uh, actually, I have a question.' 'Well, what is it?' James leaned in and said, 'It's kind of embarrassing.'"
- Lawndale and Sandi Griffin’s Genie (Chapter 4), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 2): "'Then it may not be psychosomatic. It could be a problem with the speech center,' the psychologist said. 'Great! We have gone around in circles,' Jennifer said. 'But her voice is improving,' the nurse said. 'Not quickly enough,' Kristen murmured. 'What was that?' the nurse asked. 'Nothing,' Kristen said."
- The NEW Teacher (Long Story Challenge #5 Round 1), by DIsaac (part 1): "I can't believe it! He finally did it. After taking Janet Barch's crap for three years - Michael “Mack” Mackenzie finally acts and does something about it. Of course we are talking about Mack so he didn't snap and yell at her. What the point in that!"
- No Power in the Verse Can Stop Them, by Hyrin (part 3): "Her hands bound, Daria sat on the transport as it lifted off, letting her see the full effect of the Alliance’s carpet-bombing of Serenity Valley. Jane sat across from her, crying silently. Andrea was in the back, a medic working frantically to save her life. months later, all three were released from the prisoner camp after the Independents surrendered unconditionally. She learned shortly after that she was the only Browncoat who had laid down arms in the entire battle."
- Not So Different 46: Knowing Each Other, by J-D (COMPLETE!): "His parents’ relationship puzzled him a little—on the rare occasions when he let himself think about it at all. Presumably both of them were getting something out of it ... Sonny’s thoughts swerved promptly from the subject of his parents’ marriage and back to the immediate surroundings."
- Not So Different 47: Seeing More Than Some Would Like, by J-D (COMPLETE!): "As they got out of the car, Sonny’s mother introduced the whole family, but it was Sonny the white coats zoomed in on. When his mother asked for an explanation, the lead representative of the Combine handed her a clipboard with Sonny’s questionnaire. ‘Favourite pastime: resurrection?’ She glared at Sonny. He averted his gaze and said, ‘I also enjoy making the lame see, the fat hear, and the bald dance.’"
- Not So Different 48: Unusual Perceptions, by J-D (COMPLETE!): "‘You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to tell you what you should do to solve your problem, I’m only going to charge you five dollars for my advice, and I’m going to give you a money-back guarantee if it doesn’t work. I must be getting soft in my old age.’ ‘Five dollars?’ ‘That’s a bargain rate and you know it. Or you can try to solve your problem without my advice.’ Quinn grudgingly pulled out the money and handed it to him. ‘Fine.’"
- Save the Last Trance for Me, by jtranser: "'Any time a new God steps in, they're accompanied by a ceremonial guard.' 'Fine, do they have to be human?' 'No, they can be any creature You choose.' 'You mean I can have a retinue of liveried hippopotami?' 'Well, yes, Daria, but I strongly advise against it. You need to consider what unintended consequences might occur.'"
- When Boston Freezes Over (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: It's Friday!!), by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): "'Uh...yeah,' Jane said. 'Actually...my boyfriend is helping me bring the rest of my crap upstairs.' 'Boyfriend?' Daria said. 'You move fast.' 'No, he's a guy from Lawndale.'"

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