Thursday, January 5, 2012

This Blog Post is for the Birds!

Happy National Bird Day! Helen and Jake are celebrating in their own...unique...way, but don't feel you have to follow their example. Instead, try getting caught in the mall air filtration system like Travis the Canary. Or squawk at everyone who comes too close to Penny like Chiquito does. Or, if flightless aquatic birds are more your speed...then no one needs to hear the details.

Fanfic Update!
  • At the Crossroads..., by oni (parts 1 and 2): "Looking up into her eyes, Sandi realized herself how much Stacy has change in the last year alone. After staring at her for a couple of seconds, Stacy added, 'I’m still happy you told me what you really felt about me that night.'" (Part 2)

  • Christmas Eve, by LadieT (COMPLETE!): "As she walked by the living room, she found a tiny figure crouched down by the side of the couch. 'You know Santa won't show up if you stay in here waiting for him,' Daria whispered. 'I just can't wait to see what he brings me. I know I made the good list this year, I just know it.' The excited look on Cleo's face made Daria smile."

  • Daria Diary: Just Before Lawndale, by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): "What...assholes! They didn't bother to ask me if I wanted to move! They didn't ask Quinn! (There will be a state of mourning in Highland among the popular people). Instead, late that night, we heard, 'oh, your Mom got a better job, and I'll get a chance to be a consultant! I know you'll have fun in Lawndale!!'"

  • Daria - Double Down, by neonhomer (part 17): "'Daria.' Said Trent, looking down at his plate. 'What about her?' Asked Jane. She looked up at Trent, but noticed he wasn’t looking up. 'Trent... Look up at me.' Trent slowly raised his head. 'What did she do to you?' 'I think she stole my heart.' Said Trent."

  • Daria - The Star Wars Chronicles, by Grifter74 (part 1): "The Attention of everyone in the room shifted from Quinn to Sandi, who in her grey and black uniform stood out amongst the riot of color in the rest of the court. Sandy stepped forward and declared, 'I'll never join you in committing treason. People of Naboo, if you forswear your queen's actions here and now, I promise no retribution will fall on your heads. The Emperor is merciful to those who give true allegiance.'"

  • Discomfort Doll (Iron Chef: Texas is flooding and Daria lives by the river), by RX-87 (COMPLETE!): "Daria woke up on an uncomfortable white bed in a sterile white room. She must have been there for a while, as her joints were incredibly stiff. She didn't find it strange at the time, though it bothered her on later reflection, that she was wearing her favorite outfit, combat boots and all, instead of, say, a hospital gown."

  • A Distant Lawndale, by Arena del Sur (parts 1 and 2): "It was 11 am. I should call Marcello soon. I should go to the bathroom, and try to get myself together. Choices, choices... A shock of cold water helped to awake my lucidity. I don't needed glasses to know that my face doesn't look good in the mirror, but then a glimpse of my father's face appeared in the mirror. It was a quick vision and despite it was opposite to what I believe, for a second I thought I saw his face." (Part 2)

  • God Save The Esteem ep39: Epic F Word, by Charles RB (parts 1 and 2): "'The school’s dead, isn’t it? It’s still twitching but this is it. We’re going to be allowed to become the crap school, and only that because it’s too much of a pain to move all the students.' 'We can’t give up,' said Onepu. 'We CAN,' said DeMartino. The teachers agreed they could. 'No!'" (Part 2)

  • Jane Morgendorffer 2: The Middle School Years, by LadieT (part 6): "Jane was reading on her bed when she drifted off to sleep. She was dreaming about going to her favorite pizza parlor and was surprised to see Sheridan sitting at a table alone. Walking towards him, she could see he looked sad. Jane sat down beside him. 'What's wrong Sheridan?' 'Hi Jane. I came to tell that Daria is going to be needing you really soon, so you need to be there for her, okay?'"

  • The Outers III: Was Blind But Now Can See, by The Angst Guy (part 2a): "'That's great, but I can't stop thinking about that transporter box. I took control of the gate machine away from the Outers before. I know I could do it again. How long do we have before... before we can't do anything else about it?'"

  • Unbearable, by Smijey: "One day, as Daria left Lawndale High, a chill ran down her spine. She looked all around to see if anything was amiss, but there was nothing except the usual -- her fellow classmates, filtering out of the building in order to head to their cars, walk home, or otherwise take the bus. She noticed a van she hadn't seen in the parking lot before, parked at the far end of the lot, beyond the staff and student parking, but Daria shrugged it off, pegging it up to being owned by a parent who was picking their child up that day."

1 comment:

Kristen Bealer said...

By the way, did anyone else notice that Daria's Fantasy Trent has a mullet?