Happy Johnny Appleseed Day! Or at least one of two Johnny Appleseed Days. One holiday could never be enough for Kevin, I'm sure.
I hope you all remembered to set your clocks ahead an hour for Daylight Saving Time--if you live in an area that observes it, anyway. All it really means to me is that, once again, I lose an hour that could have been spent sleeping. Here's counting down the days until Fall Back!
Fanfic Update!
- After the Disaster 2 :: Esteemers, by Fhujeth_x (part 1): "Tiffany was running behind again. She was walking as fast as she could towards Lawndale High but her speed was nothing compared to the tardiness she was about to endure. She didn't like being late. Although she was somehow able to get excused from tardiness, she wanted to be like all the other students, well, better looking than the rest, but you know what she meant."
- And Then it Happened :: Chapter Two, by Fhujeth_x (part 2): "Komotose began to laugh, looking at Stacy in confusion and then glee, 'I like your pride and whatever.' She said, walking closer to the pig tailed girl, 'Slay a dragon and I'll let you keep it, then... Till you die or whatever... and if you can't slay the dragon, I get your soul and stuff.' She continued, 'No backing out though, you already said you wanted it so...'"
- At the Crossroads...(Chapter 7), by oni (COMPLETE!): "Sandi wandered into the dining room and saw her mother there, sitting along with a drink in her hand. It seems that Martini’s were the drink of the hour. Linda looked up at her daughter as soon as she had come into the kitchen. The mother’s face lacked any kind of emotion and looking at her daughter’s face, it was just as emotionless as hers. Keeping a calm even tone, Linda said, 'Well, sit down.'"
- The Battle for Scarlett (IC: There can only be ONE.....), by Doggieboy (COMPLETE!): "'Roger Taylor and John Hobbs,' a voice announced from a booth situated above one end of the bleachers. 'Both of you are in competition for the hand of Scarlett Hawkins. There is only one way to settle this competition. There can be only one. You must fight to the death. The last one standing will win the young woman’s hand.'"
- Clique Swap, by psychotol (parts 10 and 11): "Gibson: 'Okay, break’s over, you know what to do.' Mack: 'Coach, Darth Talon has introduced a new tactic I think we should fully adopt.' Gibson: 'Really?' Mack: turns to the football team 'Run it.'" (Part 11)
- Daria Dots Her Is, by Smijey (COMPLETE!): "'Daria, I'd like to talk to you about a number of bizarre typos in your paper.' 'I don't think you can call them typos if I wrote it out by hand,' Daria pointed out. Mr. O'Neill nervously chuckled and pressed on. 'Daria, I think the problem is that you're not crossing your Ts.' A terrified look suddenly showed up on Daria's face. 'I...I can't!'"
- A Distant Lawndale, by Arena del Sur (part 6): "–Daria, are you feeling ok? –said Jane, worried. –Are you kidding? This is so baroque. What the hell, this is so renaissance. Oh, if only you were here, Jane. I totally forgot that I've never smoked anything in my life and that I was only 17. And had the lungs of a non-smoker 17 years old girl, too. I got stoned immediately."
- Dylan, by J-D (part 2a): "'You don’t have to actually walk with me, Dylan. Actually, you should get a bit further ahead. That way, I can still keep an eye on you, but we’re not being seen actually together.' 'I don’t want to be together with you, Kris. Don’t you get that yet? Origin point, home. Same. Destination point, school. Same. Shortest route? Same. If you can’t follow that, I don’t know how you hope to pass mathematics.'"
- John Lane 52: From the Last Step to the First, by RLobinske (COMPLETE!): "With everything packed and ready to go downstairs, John's room looked and felt empty as he prepared for bed. Beyond a change of clothes and an overnight bag, the only things left in his room were those slated to stay behind. Or, stay behind until they could be moved to Boston. John turned out the light and climbed into bed. Thinking back over the last three years, John looked around the moonlit room. Things have really changed since that first day I saw Daria. And overall, I have to think that it has been a change for the better."
- Lawndale and Sandi Griffin’s Genie (Chapter 6), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 7): "When they got back to the Morgendorffer’s house, another car was parked at the kerb. 'My Mom’s here!' Stacy said. 'Is that bad?' Daria asked. 'I just wasn’t expecting it is all,' Stacy said, slightly panicked. 'There may be something there,' Daria thought. She didn’t want to get involved, but she didn’t want to ignore it either. She could use Stacy’s help in the genie/emerald situation."
- Memory Lane, by echopapa (part 3): "Jane was dumbfounded. The room looked exactly the way it was when she was in high school. 'I hope this meets with your satisfaction, this room seemed to feature prominently in your memories. Bruce, we can enter now.' Suddenly, a metal arch with a double door appeared along one of the walls, replacing the window. The doors slid apart with a rumble and a whine, and two men entered the room."
- The Milk Run, by oni (COMPLETE!): "'Hey kiddo,' he exclaimed in a cheerful mood. 'You want go with your old dad to the store for some milk?' She was about to open her mouth and say ‘no thanks’, but another voice inside her said ‘why not?’ Thinking further, she remembered that her sister and the rest of the fashion club were having their Blushathon. That decided it. 'Sure dad, I’ll go with you to the store.'"
- My Night At Daria DeMartino's (IC: DeMartino and Jake swapped), by Vukodlak (COMPLETE!): "Crap its stuck Tom thought as he struggled to get the door open. He breathed a sigh of relief when the door finally moved. His relief was short lived when a hand slamed it back shut after opening less then an inch. 'Hello Tom.' Anthony growled."
- Sandi :: Well... This Sucks :: Chapter 10, by Fhujeth_x (COMPLETE!): "A loud crash, as if the tool shed had collapsed was heard from inside the house. It was a loud noise, kind of a shocker, really. All four people inside the house looked in the direction of the backyard as the arguments stopped and confusion glanced over them. "Dammit Tom." Linda glared at her husband, 'I told you before that we should have had that tool shed torn down.'" (Part 2) (Part 3)
- Thanksgiving with the Griffins, by Fhujeth_x (parts 1 and 2): "Shuddering at the thought of her Uncle's body odor, Sandi picked up the perfume and took a deep breath, preparing to embark in the horribleness that was; Thanksgiving with the Griffins." (Part 2)
- To Annoy a Mockingbird. Chapter 03, by BF110C4 (parts 2 and 3): "Daria herself was just half listening the tour itself, she was still angry with the way her parents ignored her research she did of the different universities, both regional and national, and her plans for Vance. For the first time in years she had been pouring actual effort in a school related issue and the end result was an united front between her father, her sister and her mother against her wishes." (Part 3)
- The Wrath Universe Ch. 1 New Life, Old Life, by ST91 (parts 4 and 5): "'Well, to be honest we have something similar at Lawndale High.' 'What ?! Really ?!' 'Yes, but don’t worry. I’ve got something different in mind for you.' 'You want to go directly to brainwashing ?' joked Daria." (Part 5)
- Unnamed story (IRON CHEF: "...And that's how your dad and I got together."), by misericordia (COMPLETE!): "Jake squeezed Daria's hand. 'I can't tell you much it means to me that you came here tonight, Daria.' Daria squeezed back. 'Knock'em dead, Big Jake.'"
- Unnamed story (Scenes That Should Be: Breakfast of Zombie Champions), by RLobinske (COMPLETE!): "Standing on the sidewalk of a London street, Daria checked the address on her smartphone and looked back up at the office building. 'This is the place.' Going inside, she thought, Public relations. I never pictured myself going into public relations. At least I'm working for a charity and not some sleazy corporation. And, I get to live in London. I have to admit that is a bonus."
- Unnamed story (Scenes That Should Be: Breakfast of Zombie Champions), by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): "'Have you ever done that hot yoga?' Sandi asked. 'I tried it this weekend. There's a place at Cranberry Commons where you do yoga in a room heated to 130 degrees. It's great.' 'That's what I hear,' Quinn said. 'But you have to drink lots of women,' Stacy said. 'I mean water! I mean drink lots of water!'"
- Vealed With a Kick (Pie, Pie, My Darling), by Smijey (COMPLETE!): "Daria walked up to the door of Kevin's house, a tray of cookies in her hand. She was thinking about how Kevin would be reduced to jelly by her revenge plan, and then began thinking about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She rang the buzzer and put on her biggest, scariest grin."
- What is Fashion?, by Smijey (part 1): "The other Fashion Clubbers crowded around their fallen leader. 'Sandi, are you okay?' Quinn asked. a concerned look on her face. Cautiously, Sandi nodded. 'I think so. Ohhh, my head hurts.' A worried look crossed Stacy's face. 'You don't have amnesia, do you, Sandi?' Sandi rolled her eyes. 'No, Stacy, don't be ridiculous. I'm still Sandi Griffin, President of the...' A frown graced Sandi's face. 'I'm President of the...Club? It's some sort of club.'"
- The Yowling, by misericordia (COMPLETE!): "Her first attacker span her around, almost knocking her off feet. Britanny grabbed a tree branch for support, then snapped it off to use as a weapon. Her blood surged fiercely, almost joyfully. If she couldn't run, she could still fight - and that was something she knew how to do. She backed against a tree and yelled wildly. 'Come and get me! Come and get me, you b-'" (Part 2) (Part 3)

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