Fanfic Update!
- Andrea's Tears, by BrownEyedBagel (part 3): "The noise of the train almost drowns out my thoughts. I really thought I had it all figured out back in Lawndale. Turns out, I didn’t know a god damn thing. Running away from a stable family with a kid on the way wasn’t exactly the best idea I ever had; but it was exactly what I needed. I met myself. Or rather I met who I wanted to be."
- Armored Cynic Daria, Episode 2: The 8th Circuit, by RX-87 (part 2): "ARMALIN: I really think you're overreacting here, Governor. In spite of the heavy losses the defense force took, civilian casualties were minimal and we didn't lose any major strategic objectives. ATBE: Minimal? Minimal?! Oh, that's right, I forgot who I'm talking to. What is it they used to call you back in Cydonia? Major Bodycount? ARMALIN: Hey, if the brass hadn't pulled me outta there when they did, we wouldn't be in this shit!"
- Birthday Surprise, Christmas Mini, by DeacBlue (COMPLETE!): "The fourteen foot tall Christmas tree stood in the thirty foot tall loft portion of the hundred year old farmhouse, where Daria and Jane Lane were addressing their families. 'We wanted to thank you all for your gifts,' Daria said. 'And, even more, we wanted to thank you for celebrating with us a week early, so that we could go on our honeymoon cruise and make it back in time for classes.' Jane smiled. 'And now it's time for our gifts to you.'"
- Clique Swap, by psychotol (part 33): "Quinn: 'Okay, get some rest before we start moving again.' All three: float asleep. Several minutes later. All three: Wake up. Quinn: 'Oh, not Sith.' Cameraman: 'Who aren’t Sith?' Quinn: 'Ship that just arrived,' floats over to the pilot’s seat."
- Ethan Yeager in Lawndale, by Shiva (parts 1 - 3): "'No offence Quinn, you are cute and all but I prefer guys.' Ethan stated, doing a good job of maintaining his normal voice, but Daria heard the slight crack at the last words, the hints of uncertainty of and fear at revealing this to them. For a minute it seemed as if Quinn hadn’t heard him, but then his words registered in her largely unused brain. 'Chez Pierre is soooo beautiful.... What?!'" (Part 2) (Part 3)
- Flynn at 1111 Glen Oak (Crossovers Still Crossing Over), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 5): "'Hi, Phineas, we need your help! Our sister was kidnapped by a Robot!' Sam said. 'We can help,' Phineas thought, and turned to his stepbrother. 'Ferb, I know what else we’re doing today.' 'Excellent!'"
- Lawndale School of Magic Part Two: Brittany's Party, by Reven384 (part 2): "Charles fingered the invitation in his hands. The best way to do things were to set things up so that you win no matter what happens. He smiled. It was clever of Brittany to hire someone to enchant the party. Only those with invitations could get in. He smiled. He had a party to ruin. The fact that Daria would also be there would only make things more interesting."
- The Mageborn Cynic, by peetz5050 (part 7): "Just then a bell rang. 'What's that one for?' she asked. 'Five minutes to get washed up before next class.' he answered. Daria noticed many of the students had already left. She looked sadly at her half-eaten lunch and shook her head. Then she went and helped a weeping Jodie out of her seat and walked her past a mystified Charles in the direction of the ladies convencience. 'It was nice to meet you Charles, we shall speak again, good afternoon.'"
- The Prep, the Artist and the Loner , by Walter Kovacs (part 4): "Finally, after several moments, Brittany turned to her table-mate. 'Jane, you're really good at art. Could you show me how to do this?' Usuauly, Jane would have blown off such a request with a typical dose of sarcasm, but this time, the fact that she got flattered by Brittany got the better of her."
- Sandi :: Well... This Sucks :: Chapter 15, by Fhujeth_x (part 2): "'So I rule that fur is a big no for the winter season. However--' Just then, like magic, Kristen appeared on Sandi's bed, impatiently, evilly, glancing at the fashion club president with dismay, 'Are you Sandi Griffin, I've got a message that you need to give to Janet Barch...' She grinned evilly."
- A Small Trip (IRON CHEF - '___ and The Alleged Car!'), by JPAGC (COMPLETE!): "'Not so bad?! Daria, I come from a long day at work, after having told you to take care of your sister, to find her locked in her room, crying and refusing even to open the door' Helen crossed her arms over her chest and stared down the girls. 'I know Quinn had a meeting with those fashion friends of her on the mall. I told you to drive her there. Did you refuse to do it?' 'No, No, Mom! Believe me, we did take her to the mall...' Daria hesitated. 'It's just that...'"
- Vivian, by ST91 (part 2): "The evening was very quiet. Steve was out for a business meeting. Brittany was sleeping in her room, and Brian had finally fallen asleep. After putting him in the crib, Vivian went to her bedroom. She was very tired and weak because lately she could not sleep. Despite this she was also very happy because soon would arrive a taxi that would take her to the airport. Finally she would be away from home, away from Lawndale."
- The Wake, by OverlordMikey (part 1): "Daria’s eyes opened; bright florescent lights in her eyes? Where did Jane go? Her heart was practically jumping out of her chest and her body felt tense and stone like. She was breathing heavier than she’d ever recalled."
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