Saturday, July 27, 2019

"Don't call him a cowboy until you see him ride."

Just because it's National Day of the Cowboy doesn't mean you're obligated to give Travis the Annoying Cowboy a ride anywhere. Just drive away, with or without running over his suitcase. Trust me; you're better off without that kind of hassle in your life.

Today is also the anniversary of the episode "Pierce Me," which aired on this day in 1998. It was one of the more shippery episodes, but don't be distracted by the cute Daria/Trent moments. The real focus of the episode should be on how Daria's belly button healed so quickly. My money's on E.T.

Fanfic Update!
  • Changing Lanes, by midnightabyss86 (part 21): "The summer passed. After each midday peak, the thick heat, once intense and oppressive in its power, mellowed, and the passions between lovers and friends cooled each night."

  • Chan's Crucible (Life After Thirty), by WildDogJJ (part 1): "Kevin, Jim, Mack and Chuck are sitting on the porch drinking beer and watching the sunset. 'So,' said Jim, 'Who do you guys like for the Superbowl this year?'"

  • Daria Ravenclaw: The Highland Years, by Meester_Lee (parts 76 and 77): "School started the week after Daria and Quinn returned from the camp-out. Not that there were any ruffles and flourishes for the first day of school: there hadn't been any while Principal Strong had run James Ferguson Elementary School, and Principal Trimble chose not to have any, unless his insipid speech at a mandatory school assembly was supposed to be such." (Part 77)

  • Erin Chambers, by OzFerret (part 27): "Erin sat in her usual Monday morning seat on her usual Monday morning train, drinking her usual Monday morning coffee, yet everything felt different."

  • No Use Playing Dumb, by MorganAW (parts 1 and 2): "*Knock knock* 'Come in,' Daria said without looking up from the pages of Anna Karenena." (Part 2)

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