Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Have Chocolate or Peanuts Hijacked YOUR Brain?

Mrs. Johanssen has pulled out all of the stops for International Chocolate Day, and I for one salute her for her devotion to the chocolate cause. Today is also National Peanut Day, and few pairings go together better than chocolate and peanuts. At least in my opinion.

Finally, today is Day of the Programmer, so offer Noah Barkman some chocolate and/or peanuts to celebrate! Just make sure it's all macrobiotic.

Fanfic Update!
  • Crystal Claw, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (part 17): "The heavy wooden door was finally unlocked and opened slowly, everything was dark and cold and the first thing that Ella did was to quickly carry everything inside while a shaky Anna, still not quite sure that this was a good idea, just waited there as she held to the door frame."

  • Is It Adulthood Already?, by britabird (part 5): "Over the next couple of months, Jane grew more cynical with each date she went on. Either the man was too dumb, or too creepy, or too much of an asshole for her to waste anymore of her time."

  • Quinn and Stacy - Esteem?, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (COMPLETE!): "Quinn looked at Stacy in concern as they left the school grounds. She had been silent since Mr. O’Neill said they would be up at Assembly."

  • Spare the Rod, Spoil the Quinn, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Quinn was at the dry goods aisle. As she began to load her cart she was approached by a man with shaggy brown hair and a beard."

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