Saturday, September 16, 2023

Anyone Else Want to See Her Do a Backflip?

Daria has just undergone an extraordinary amount of physical activity for National Gymnastics Day, especially considering her usual level of exercise is reaching for the remote control while sitting on the couch. However, it's probably better than the alternative, which is National Dance Day. Daria is not one to ever board the soul train.

I hope Jake knows that today is National Guacamole Day, and that he remembers not to have a heart attack and fall facefirst into it. If he does, then Helen will most likely miss the guacamole yet again.

Finally, someone wake up Trent and tell him that today is National Tattoo Story Day! It shouldn't take long; it's pretty easy to say, "I got a tattoo out of a magazine."

Fanfic Update!
  • Her Last Words, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (part 72): "If there was something that Anna Coulthard irrevocably loved about her father, it was for sure his endless love and fascination for the deep night sky."

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