Wednesday, September 20, 2023

This Will Not End Well

Before Kevin goes any further with National Punch Day, someone should tell him that the holiday is about the beverage, not fighting. I don't point this out for Robert's sake, but for Kevin's. We already know that Robert is more than capable of taking Kevin in a fight, and the last thing anyone wants is to see Kevin get his jaw broken again. Well...some people might want to see that.

However, I think it would be a lot safer to just celebrate National Pepperoni Pizza Day with a slice at Pizza Prince. Daria and Jane are probably already there, contemplating the extra quart of grease added to the recipe.

If anyone wants to observe National Care For Kids Day, I'm sure the Gupty parents would be willing to offer a babysitting job. Who wants to spend an evening talking about dental hygiene and the evils of materialism?

Fanfic Update!
  • Angie's Body, by wilddogjj (parts 1 and 2): "Quinn, Jim and the triplets were spending a day at the beach. They weren't the only Lawndale residents there." (Part 2)

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