Saturday, October 14, 2023

Brittany Would Probably Be Lethal on the Field

Looks like Kevin and Brittany have already started celebrating National Costume Swap Day, and I am impressed that Kevin actually has the legs to pull off that skirt. I'm also a little curious if, as they've done in the past, they're wearing each other's underwear. Jane seemed to think it was a frequent occurrence.

When Kevin's finished with his cheerleading moves, he could take a ride for National Motorcycle Ride Day! I hope he doesn't try to pop a wheelie, though. One injured leg was enough, and I don't think the Tommy Sherman Memorial Tree could take any more punishment.

Instead, maybe he could sit down for a nice game of chess for National Chess Day, since he'd considered the idea the last time he hurt himself. Given that he's fuzzy on the difference between chess and checkers, though, it might not be a good idea.

Fanfic Update!
  • Daria Days: A Sparkling World, by Adelina (part 1): "It feels crazy— moving all the way to the East Coast from Highland in Western Texas. It takes a while for a girl to get used to it all, but Daria's fine with not being used to it all."

  • Daria Enrolls at Nevermore, by Meester_Lee (parts 10 and 11): "Waiting. Jane spent the next few minutes waiting for Daria to return from wherever she went off to." (Part 11)

  • From Simp to Pimp, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Tom stood on a training mat in the gymnasium. Standing off to the side was pimp/relationship coach Sweet Daddy Jones."

  • Quinn and the Spider, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (COMPLETE!): "'Good morning, Class,' Ms. Janet Barch said. 'The field trip is today. I hope you have given your permission slips to the office. This field trip will cover much information on Genetics and Entomology, so be sure to take notes. There will be a test next week. Oscorp is one of the leading companies in biotechnology today. Too bad it’s lead by a MAN!'"

  • Shadows of a Timeless Song, by Dennis (part 19): "'Dammit! We were this close,' Daria said, holding her holding her ring finger and thumb a tiny space apart."

  • Titanic - A True Story, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (parts 9 - 11): "It was the day after Titanic's first night into the journey, the soft April sun had risen above the distant horizon just an hour ago and Daria Morgendorffer, still a bit sleepy after having enjoyed one of the best breakfasts of her life, was happy to have a walk on the open decks after yet another visit to the library." (Part 10) (Part 11)

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