Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Nothing to Lose But His Facial Hair

Mr. O'Neill has, as usual, gotten things as wrong as possible because he's gone and given himself a (fake) beard on No Beard Day. Fortunately, he can fix it quickly by cutting the strings holding the thing on, but I'm sure he'll find a way to screw that up as well. Hopefully Jake won't consider growing out his beard, not only because of the holiday but also because I can't see it as a good look for him.

Today is also National Ken Day, but I hope Ken Edwards keeps his distance. Frankly, I suspect by now he's required by law to keep his distance from schools, child care centers, etc. And that's as it should be. (shudder)

Putting that aside, I'm much more interested in National Chocolate Cupcake Day! Brittany should enjoy this one, too, because Kevin's already told her she's a great hostess cupcake. Then again, the episode "Monster" tells us that she's really partial to Ho-Hos. What an enigma!

Fanfic Update!
  • Avatar: The Drama of Daria, by psychotol (part 1): "She entered the low level flight course from the wrong end."

  • Kevin, Portrait of a QB, by wilddogjj (parts 1 and 2): "Kevin, Jim, Jamie, Chuck and Chris were sitting on the porch drinking beer while listening to the radio." (Part 2)

  • Titanic - A True Story, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (part 12): "Now that all of the maids, butlers and the other assistants had been given the day off and the entrance had been closed and locked, Suite Seventeen of the Titanic looked like a very different place than it was supposed to be!"

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