Sunday, October 22, 2023

They're Just Nuts about Mothers In Law!

It seems It's a Nutty, Nutty, Nutty World has stepped up its marketing campaign for National Nut Day and Daria has dragged Jane in to join her in the misery. And she thought having to smile was bad!

Still, it beats being at home, especially if Grandma Ruth has dropped in for a Mother-In-Law Day's visit. Throw in the never-seen but always-terrible Grandma Barksdale and you'll have a real catastrophe on your hands.

I'm sure the Yeagers will be happy to know that Timothy Leary was born on this day in 1920, so I hope they give whichever number dog they're up to some extra pats to celebrate. Any idea on how things are coming along with that real Timothy Leary replacement?

Fanfic Update!
  • Avatar: The Drama Of Daria, by psychotol (part 2): "Jinora and Asami emerged out of the studio and turned their phones back on as they headed for the stairwell, and Asami read a text and commented 'Ugh.'"

  • Daria on the Trail, by meesterlee (part 54): "An axle broke on one of the Johnson Company’s wagons the next day. We and the Johnson Company were still traveling together, so Captain Trout ordered our wagons to come to a stop while Mr. Ruffin and his friends set about replacing their broken axle."

  • Her Last Words, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (part 74): "Anna's tree drawings were selling fair and square so far, her work had indeed attracted a lot of attention and yet her true success of that day at the Art Fair was something very different, something that she had not even imagined that would happen..."

  • Kevin, Portrait of a QB, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Brittany was carrying a hamper full of dirty laundry as she made her way to the basement. She opened the door and went down the stairs. What she saw down there made her drop the laundry and gasp in shock."

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