Friday, February 7, 2025

Can He Pirouette?

Mr. DeMartino is surprisingly graceful as he celebrates National Ballet Day, but judging by the look on his face Kevin is nearby and about to cause a serious problem. Daria, meanwhile, will continue to regret not taking ballet the next time she has to pee outdoors...but let's hope those occasions are quite rare.

Unfortunately, Mr. D. has committed a grave faux pas by wearing a pink tutu, because it's National Wear Red Day! Jane, fortunately, has been observing this day almost constantly for years.

I'm sure Ted will be happy to know that today is Bubble Gum Day, and he can chew to his heart's content. On the other hand, if he's only tried the non-bubble variety then he might not be ready for the hard stuff yet.

Fandom News!

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