Sunday, February 23, 2025

She's Got No Strings...or Brain Cells

Tiffany is acting even more artificial than ever before, in honor of Pinocchio Day. While I'm sure she'd love to be a real girl, I don't think even Dr. Shar will be able to help with her nose if either Quinn or Sandi ask her whose side she's on.

Jodie, meanwhile, might celebrate Play Tennis Day because she's on the Lawndale High Tennis Team. On second thought, she'd probably much rather just skip the whole thing and have the day off. For once.

On this day in 1998, the episode "The Daria Hunter" aired. Not only did we learn that Helen is forty-six--I mean, forty-four, but we got to witness the unholy birth of the relationship between Barch and O'Neill. Shudders all around.

Fandom News!

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