Tuesday, February 25, 2025

How Quietly Can He Play?

Nick isn't so sure he likes the idea of National Nicholas Day, or maybe that's just the look he gets when Max says something dumb. I bet he gets that look a lot.

I just hope he doesn't get it into his head to play the bass, because it's Quiet Day and that would completely defeat the purpose. This is probably one of Daria's favorite days, or it would be if she was ever able to celebrate it.

The episode "Partner's Complaint" aired on this day in 2000, and things were anything but quiet during the many altercations that took place. Unless you count the occasionally chilly silence between Daria and Jane.

Fanfic Update!
  • Daria Ravenclaw: The Legend of Sporting Joe, by Meester_Lee (part 22): "Julia stood motionless and stared at the car that had come up behind her. The Coppers or someone very much like them had found her."

  • Daria's Great Adventure, by dmsfanman (part 43): "Daria sat at her desk in the Martian Mission to the UN staring out the window. It was a beautiful morning. On her computer stood her finished speech for the upcoming opening of the General Assembly."

  • Flustered and Burned, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "Daria stood in front of the door of Casa Lane, twisting the knob of the unlocked door as she casually walked in, almost as if the house were her own."

  • Spider Quinn 14 Battle and Consequence, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (COMPLETE!): "SpiderGirl climbed out onto the roof at the usual time. ‘Lawndale sounds slightly better,’ she thought."

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