Saturday, February 15, 2025

Gimme Some Chocolate, Dammit!

I think that Mrs. Johanssen must have misheard because although it's Make Mine Chocolate day she appears to have asked someone to "make ME chocolate." I'll have no problems celebrating this one, especially as today is another one of my favorite holidays: discount candy day.

Yesterday, of course, was Valentine's Day, but today we flip the script and celebrate Singles Awareness Day instead. Daria has plenty of experience with this one, and I'll bet she prefers it that way. Especially after her multiple spectacular failures in dating throughout the show.

On this day in 1999, "Daria Day 99" aired on MTV. There don't appear to be any clips or even a transcript out there for this one, so any Daria treasure hunters should consider this the Holy Grail of Daria finds!

Fandom News!

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