Friday, February 21, 2025

Slow Speech is in the Cards!

Tiffany is ready and waiting to take your call on Card Reading Day, but I hope you're prepared to wait a long time to find out what your fortune is. It might be better to celebrate with BloodyWilliam's latest Daria tarot card project, which is much, much cooler.

On the subject of future alter egos, today is the anniversary of the founding of NASCAR in 1948! If Stacy did decide to become a racecar driver after high school, I hope Sandi kept her comments to herself. Or got run over by Stacy's car. Either one is fine!

Honestly, the worst Sandi could do is banish Stacy from the popular kids' table, but that wouldn't be right because it's No One Eats Alone Day! Daria, on the other hand, would be happy to celebrate this one. Perhaps making an exception for Jane.

Fanfic Update!
  • Daria Ravenclaw: The Legend of Sporting Joe, by Meester_Lee (part 21): "The ride back to the Settles was quiet but tense. The only conversation was between Mr. Weatley and Julia’s mother."

  • Janecoin (Iron Chef: Remembering Jane), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "When Ed checked his old Facebook account and saw the notification of Jane Lane's untimely death at age 41 in what appeared to be an accident caused by a drunk driver, he was shocked."

  • Mysteries of Aurora, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 10): "After having lunch at the coffee house cafeteria, Olivia headed back to the Library."

  • The Thrill Be Damned, by riotsquirrrl (COMPLETE!): "God, she hated these networking things. Daria stood off to the side of an industry mixer, feeling lost."

  • Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Remembering Jane), by AnxiousMillennialCowgirl (COMPLETE!): "When Andrea saw the post from Jodie Landon on the Lawndale High: Class of 2002 page that Jane Lane had died after a long battle with brain cancer, her initial feelings were of the sadness of having someone her age die rather than genuine grief."

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