Um, actually, I admit I wouldn't mind reading more about toad smoking at Lawndale High. . . .
A new mini-essay at Fortress CINCGREEN offers worthy food for thought about series stories and sequels in Daria fandom. I posted some comments to it, only to realize later I was talking about serial stories, which wasn't what he was talking about at all, so ignore everything I wrote there unless CINCGREEN deleted it, in which case it doesn't matter and you can forget about what I wrote above. I trust that's clear enough.
- D: The Last Cynic, by CDM (Part 1): A slightly different take on the End of the World as We Know It. (Think Night of the Comet. Great movie.)
- Falling Into College 62: Run it Up the Mast, by Richard Lobinske (Part 4): Daria finally gets a new job . . . editing fanfiction about herself. Just kidding. That would be funny if she did, though. Not funny for her, but, yeah, funny for the rest of us. Imagine the look on her face when she reads some of our stories. Man, that would be the best.
- The Other Side Of Time: Witness To The Monkey Show, by The Sidhe (continued): Jake's ancestor takes a licking but keeps on ticking, as they say.
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