It is less well known that today is also the 122nd birthday of one of the greatest science-fiction writers in all history: Olaf Stapledon, author of Sirius, Odd John, Last and First Men, and Star Maker. The latter is a future history of intelligent life in the universe covering billions of years to come, one of the great mind-blowers ever. Sirius, about an intelligent dog, gave me the idea for "A Hard Days' Night."
LATE ADD: Paris is in flames as Deref the Oz Barbarian and his Daria-crazed henchmen trample the French capital beneath their vegemite h—oh, wait, I've used that metaphor already. Uh, okay, skip it. If you want to read about the Daria-spawned chaos engulfing Europe, click here and be entertained.
22,500 hits! Here, I mean. And most of them aren't me!
- Avalon, by legendeld (Part 20): “It’s going to get nasty, amiga.” Well, that was an understatement.
- Crouching Monster, Hidden Magic, by Lorenzo Sauchelli (Part 6.2): "Aunt Amy? What are you doing here?"
- D.A.R.I.A., by Greystar (Part 1): It wasn't such a good idea for Jane to go through Daria's sock drawer after all.
- Falling Into College 62: Run It Up the Mast, by Richard Lobinske (Part 2): Michael screws up once again. Could have been worse, though.
- A Little Vacation, by Doggieboy (Epilogue 2): Robert's return . . . is not what you'd expect.
- The Other Side of Time: Witness to the Monkey Show, by The Sidhe (Part 2): The life and times of First Sergeant Jakob “Dutchy” Morgendorffer.
- Stacy Rowe, Seeker (Part II), by jtranser (continued): "That's the last time I go to an orgy at an accountant's home." Plus, Daria considers the proper way to administer corrective spiritual development to traitors.
- A Little Vacation, by Doggieboy (Epilogue 1): Once bitten, twice dead . . . unless higher powers get involved.
Helen's alter ego reminds me of the phrase, 'Light at the end of the tunnel'. But it's o.k., she's acting in loco parentis. While you were gone, I sensed a disturbance in the Force. Good to have you back and hope you get to feeling better. .
While you were gone, I sensed a disturbance in the Force.
That was gas.
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