In the course of working with literally thousands of images from Daria episodes, UU, Pinhead, and I have found some very amusing "animation errors." Here's one, see what you think of it. Look at the image on the left, from "Daria!" when Ms. Li rushes into the gymnasium to announce the hurricane is coming. Then look at the right to see the students' reactions. You can click on the pix to get larger images.
Notice anything missing?
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Something funny there, is the three Js, they are football players, should be with the other football dudes.
Nope! Still waiting for a winner!
The Fashion Club ran out of the gym so fast they took the top 2-3 rows of the bleachers with them!
He was scared and needed his teddy bear, then he wasn't. What's so weird about that?
NG got it! The close up has the top row of students cut out! The Fashion Club (and Bob and others) are completely gone, and the banner on the wall behind the remaining students has been lowered as if the fifth row never existed at all. Otherwise the students seem to be in their same positions in every shot.
TAG.com seems to be working fine for me.
My computer seems to be blocking me from my own website. Anyone got any ideas how to fix this?
never mind, it's fixed. :)
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