- The awesome Richard Lobinske has once again updated the 2009 Daria Visual Fanworks Listing!
- MidnightStorm has started a PPMB pitchfork thread for the end of the year. Vote for your favorite unfinished story, and demand it be finished!
- Iron Chef: Brain Swap is a SF-slash challenge from Thecoffeeguru.
- Suffering from Daria/Jane burnout? Here's the place to talk about it.
- Kara Wild has also asked on the Daria forum in Television Without Pity for questions for the Daria staff. Some are quite interesting.
- Apocalyptic Daria: Scarlett's Tale, by Doggieboy (Part 15): —You humans are strange. If it wasn’t for cats and dogs, you wouldn’t know what to do.—
- Counting the Days, by Jim North (COMPLETE!): She takes in a deep breath of warm Raft College air and expels it as if she is expelling a part of herself. The part, in particular, that is capable of coherent thought. The day is only halfway over, but she is already beat. (FF.net)
- Eve, by MidnightStorm (Part 1): The lights in the small blue room were dimmed ever so slightly. The brunette shifted her steady gaze from the beds end towards her black-haired partner. She was her friend before, in another life, but from now on they would possess the title of "lovers."
- Finn Morgendorffer 22: Daddy, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 1): “My...” Jake started to sweat a little more. His voice trailed off into a whisper, and his face flushed even more. The house was not warm at all.
- Rainbow Disconnection, by Disco316 (COMPLETE!): “You are not the Morgendorffer I was expecting,” said Jane, realizing that Daria was not at her door. “I could talk like her if you think it would help,” offered Quinn in a flat, monotone voice.
- Unnamed story, by Trscroggs (continued): Two nights later, Purple Blossom had to fight off a feeling of deja-vu. Once again she had been returning home late from a Fashion Club meeting, and again a monster appeared, forcing her to transform, and again the monster broke and ran when it caught sight of her.
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Brain Swap), by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): Daria and Jane enjoyed those warm, comfortable moments after making love. Both rested silently in Jane's bed. Daria spoke up. "Jane... there's something I have to admit...."
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