Where did Brittany and Brian develop their unpleasant tendencies? Was this some kind of Rosemary's Baby deal, which is why we don't see their biological mother, Vivian Taylor, around in their lives? Is there some genetic component to this? Do the two siblings somehow feed off each other's ferociousness? Does their father have anything to do with this? Brittany did give the mouse to Brian in "The Lab Brat."
Just food for thought, there. Enjoy the week! And remember Brittany's absolute best line in "Fizz Ed":
I like red. It reflects my passionate nature.
Dr. Hannibal Lechter could have hardly put it better.
Thanks to Pinhead and UU for the illo.
In general, all younger children in show strange or evil.
Taylor, Griffins, Guptis, Link.
The other kids aren't evil like Brian is.
It seems to me, that children of a family Taylor are very spoilt. They have got used to receive everything, that want. Therefore Brittany instantly flies into a rage, as soon as something goes not how she wants. Plus, both of them hysteroids, but Brittany is silly, and Brian, obviously, more cleverly.
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