Oops! Ranger Thorne has already used the Mary Celeste in an SF fanfic. You could do another one, though.
Greystar has a "New/Old Theory on Tiffany," one worth thinking about.
- 10 Things, by Vlora (COMPLETE!): Daria stared at Jane, concerned for the other’s mental state. "Are you comparing me, a living, breathing entity to a 2D character from a crappy teen movie? One where the alternative girl gets the guy and has a big hissy fit for no reason over morality?"
- The Dream of the White Darkness, by jtranser (COMPLETE!): The film badge attached to the neck of her hospital gown was steadily darkening, and Daria knew that her remaining time was measured in minutes. She could hear the crunching grind of the wheels of the flat dolly which carried her lead casket. It seemed so long ago that she and her co-workers were finishing up their experiments with a new method of plutonium purification.
- The Ephemeral Ties that Bind, by Thecoffeeguru (Part 1): Daria watched Quinn get out of the car and quickly join a crowd of students. She seemed to click instantly with a group of girls and had boys fawning over her. Hearing what her father had just said, Daria once again mumbled under her breath, “I’ll try to help her through this difficult period of adjustment.” Holding tight to her backpack, she slid out of the car and walked through the crowd of students. Jake watched his only daughter as she faded into the mix of high schoolers, a worried look on his face.
- Finn Morgendorffer 18: Dance Fever, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 3): It actually felt weird to come to school on Monday for Finn. The people he encountered did not treat him any differently. Jamie, Joey, and Jeffy talked about the rather successful game last week. Mack stopped by and chatted at lunch. Multiple girls talked with Finn and asked him about the upcoming dance this weekend. Some asked him on a date, others asked him for a dance. And yet still more asked him for his measurements, perhaps for an appropriate gift. After all, Finn had not announced who he would accompany to the dance. It was still anyone’s game.
- Quinn's Out of Our World, by OverlordMikey (Part 1): Quinn took a deep breath before speaking at a very quick pace. "Remember when I was small, like six or seven and you told me that I was left on the doorstep?" Daria thought about this, she recalled something about gypsies. "Vaguely, why?"
- Rainbow Disconnection, by Disco316 (Part 7): Quinn slid the tuner to other stations. “Yeah, they call me a redneck, but you know that’s a beaut…” Static. “Let the blind lead the blind. ALL YOUR STUPID…” Static. “Beware! Coming for you, it’s the remix!” Static. “I cain’t wait to be alone with my baby tonight.” Static. “Bow wow wow, yippee-yo yippee-ay! Arriva la Raza all day, every day!” Click.
- Wings, by MidnightStorm (Part 2): "'Scuse me, ma'am, but when do you reckon the next time Ms. Angela will be done here? I scheduled an important meeting with her, at oh, say—" He turned his head and glanced at the school's clock "—oh, say, ten-thir-tay."
Tidbit about that quote from my story: every line I used is from a wrestling theme. In order, "Rap is Crap" by the West Texas Rednecks, "My Time" for Triple-H, the 3 Live Kru remixed theme, "With My Baby Tonight" by "The Real Double J" Jesse Jammes, and whatever Konnan called his theme in WCW. And yes, "Somebody Call My Mama" was for Ernest "The Cat" Miller. This has been "Too Much Wrestling Information" with Disco 3:16.
We now pause for a commercial break.
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