Daria and Jane at right remind us that this is the time of year to dress warmly and not go hiking in the wilderness before a blizzard. If you do, good luck. At least you were warned.

Speaking of which, I complained a year ago that there was no Daria fanfiction featuring Saturnalia, and guess what? It's a year later and there's still no Daria fanfiction featuring Saturnalia. (Paperpusher wrote a story that mentions Saturnalia in passing, but the Morgendorffers aren't celebrating Saturnalia.) How low have we sunk to ignore this vital part of our midwinter holiday tradition? How low, Daria fen? ("Fen" means fans. It's old-timer fannish talk. Just roll with it.) Get on the stick, fanfic writers, and let the good times of Saturnalia rise once again!
Spa Fon!
It's definitely not cold her- 43 degrees Celsius!! Still not idea hiking weather though :D
In Moscow now in the evening -30ะก. We walk. :)
So, are we going to continue to ignore the Great White Elephant in the Living Room of No Daria Saturnalia Fanfiction? Is there no hope?
Vlora has helped you out on that one TAG :)
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