It was eleven years ago today that the episode "
Fizz Ed" first aired on MTV. Not only did Daria actually make an effort to accomplish something in this one, but we also got to witness Ms. Li's total mental breakdown firsthand. How that woman kept her job is something I'll never know.
It was also on this day in 2000 that Kara Wild posted her essay, "
The Off-Canon Approach." It was not just an interesting perspective on fanfic, but also a neat glimpse into the state of fandom at the time. The contrast between then and now--when many fanfics have arguably gone much further from canon than ever before--is an intriguing one.
Fanfic Update!- The Adventures of Lobo (Scenes That Could Be - The Non-Daria Edition), by Doggieboy (part 1): "'Ship ahoy, captain!' the gorilla yelled out from the crow’s nest. 'Off the port bow!' Captain Tiberius, a large, heavily built gorilla, lifted his telescope and sighted where the watch had told him. 'Steer 330,' he told the helmsman. 'Let’s see who we have out here.'"
- After the Disaster :: Chapter Four, by Fhujeth_x (COMPLETE!): "Maybe Brooke didn't have an impact on her and Sandi after all, maybe these were the kind of girls who judged on what was on the inside and not the outside - and waited until they themselves got to know somebody before they passed judgment. Concentrating hard on her words, Tiffany prepared herself to answer Stacy, 'Tiffany...'" (Interlude)

- Alice Shadow and the Curse of the Spider Queen (Non-Daria), by peapotmaster (part 1): "My name is Alice Shadow, and I’m a female detective. Well, an intern for my father at the police station. I’m fifteen years old, and live with my dad, Detective William Shadow, and my Aunt Violet."
- Artifact in Lawndale (Crossovers Still Crossing Over), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 1): "In the main Warehouse office Claudia Donovan was using Agent Artie Nelson's computer to design one of her inventions. Then an alert popped up. 'Artie!' she called out. 'What are you doing there!' Artie called out as he entered the office and noticed Claudia at the computer. 'None of your business, but there is an artefact alert in a town to the north of Baltimore,' Claudia said as she stood up."
- Daria - Double Down, by neonhomer (part 27): "'What the hell is going on?' Asked Tilly. Jane didn’t answer, still trying to pull away. Tilly reached up with her other arm, grabbed Jane’s bag, and pulled back and down, taking the taller girl off balance. At this time, Tilly shifted her grip, spun Jane around, and pinned her against a nearby locker, putting her arm across Jane’s chest to hold her. 'Now.. We are going to have a talk, and you’re going to participate.'"
- DW: The Many Doctors (Non-Daria), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 6): "'So, where are we?' Felicia asked, looking at the Scanner screen as the Doctor activated it. 'The Terran colony of Ilkona, in the year 2710. It is a rather peaceful year,' the Doctor said. 'If we are here, I doubt that will remain true for much longer,' Tamsin said, cheekily."
- Dylan, by J-D (part 1): "As the car pulled up, Dylan turned his attention back from his mother’s scatter-brained analysis to his brother’s announced plans to continue watching Dylan’s back and, with those thoughts filling his mind, he propelled himself headlong from the car the exact instant it came to a stop in order to get ahead of the effect of Kris’s inevitably stagier entrance."

- Fallout Lawndale: 2289, by Vukodlak (part 5): "Slumping down in the booth they let out a collective sigh. 'So what did we learned?' Daria muttered. 'That Jack’s set up some kind of military base in the old police station' Jane noted. 'And his friends have very advanced toys.' Tom added. "
- Find Another Way to Feel (IC: Without you...), by Vukodlak (COMPLETE!): "She remembering coming home from a date with Tom, both her parents were waiting for her which was never a good sign. Thats when she found out Amy was killed in car crash, now here she was four days later just home from the funeral."
- The Hole (IC: Without you...), by DeacBlue (COMPLETE!): "Without looking up, Daria could picture her mother's mouth pressed into a firm line and her arms crossed over her chest. 'And we're going to help him relieve his stress by going on a camping trip like we used to, well, long ago.' Daria continued reading her book. 'I wish you the best of luck. Tell me how it went when you get back.'"
- Homeless Daria Episode 4: Cafe Dispossessedo, by RX-87 (part 6): "'We have to do what?' Jane blurted out, incredulously. 'That's right, Jane!' O'Neill beamed, oblivious to her averse reaction to the news. 'The charges are being dropped and starting tomorrow you two will be working at alt.lawndale.com! I arranged it all with the owner, Mr. Salaam. It was easy, since we know each other from the Interfaith Council. He's the head of the local Muslim Businessmen's Association, you know.'"

- John Lane 52: From the Last Step to the First, by RLobinske (part 10): "'Rub your feet when we get home?' 'You're on, mister. Here's hoping we don't have any last minute visitors.' John sighed. 'I wish you hadn't said that.' 'Superstitious?' Daria said. The door opened and a woman entered. John looked up and said, 'Mom?'"
- The Last Lady Standing (IC: There can only be ONE.....), by OverlordMikey (COMPLETE!): "'Jane...' 'Daria...' 'I’ll let you leave alive if you just go now.' 'No can do Amiga; he was my boyfriend.' 'You know that means nothing during the mating season.'"
- Last Man Standing (IC: There can only be ONE.....), by JoeMerl (part 1): "Upchuck blew the whistle, and the three leapt forward to attack! Slap slap slap! 'Ow! Ooh!' 'Hey! You're hitting too hard!' 'Agh!' Each boy was using one hand to slap at each of the others, while at the same time trying to deflect their blows with a slap of their own. The result was...less than impressive."
- My New Life, by ST91 (parts 2 and 3): "'Who's the lucky guy ? Mack again ?' 'No it's not Mack. He is a new guy who moved here from Texas two days ago . His name is Darius .' 'And how did you meet him?' Ok, here comes the difficult part, thought Jane ; to tell her brother what had happened the day before." (Part 3)
- Never Judge a Book (IC: Without you...), by ThanatosRW (COMPLETE!): "Quinn Morgandorffer was something of an enigma to the Fashion Club. While the girl was pretty cute, she really put no real effort into her appearance. Usually the girl wore a old tan jacket with a small pendant, but looking at what her family drove and their house, it seemed ridiculous to think that she couldn't afford any nicer clothes."

- Sandi :: Well... This Sucks :: Chapter 4, by Fhujeth_x (COMPLETE!): "Tonight was the night for the big dance. It was all over the school that day and the Fashion Club, as well as the rest of the Senior Class was more than thrilled about it [except Joey, Jeffy, and Jamie, all of which didn't get to go of their girl of choice]." (Part 3) (Part 3.5) (Part 4)
- Scrunchie (IC: There can only be ONE.....), by Angelinhel (COMPLETE!): "The team bus was listing sharply to one side and I managed to turn my head to see the large pine tree that had prevented it from flipping all the way over. Several of the thick lower branches had pierced through the bus' windows."
- Swordfighting (IC: There can only be ONE.....), by Smijey (COMPLETE!): "Jamie watched intently as he waited for Quinn to give the thumbs up (sparing Joey and Jeffy's life), or the thumbs down (which would seal their fate)."
- Unnamed story (IC: There can only be ONE.....), by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): "Mack, looking hot and sinister in jet-black leather, held his pistol steady as he aimed at his final competitor. 'Sorry to stop you in your tracks, rich boy,' he said, 'but Daria's in the mood for a Big Mack attack.'"
- Unnamed story (IC: There can only be ONE.....), by Vukodlak (COMPLETE!): "'This the end Jeffry, I'm going to rip yout apart and then Quinn will be all mine!' Joey screamed pounding his sword on his shield. 'Not if I impale you first!' yelled Jamie holding up his spear."

- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Quinn of Hearts), by Grifter74 (COMPLETE!): ""You're serious about being a doctor?" Daria asked. 'I hate to burst your bubble, but that's a lot of school, before you even start at a hospital.' 'You're the smartest person I know, can't you help? Isn't there some trick to make understanding this easier?' Quinn begged as she waved the book at Daria."
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by Greystar (COMPLETE!): "Quinn answeres the door. Two men are standing there, one about Quinn's age, the other obviously the father."
- The Unusual Suitor (IC: There can only be ONE.....), by neonhomer (COMPLETE!): "'Three... two... one... FIGHT!' came Matilda’s voice over the PA. The crowd went silent, waiting in anticipation of the first shot. They didn’t have to wait long. Upchuck popped his head above the rocks, and quickly ducked back down as a shot rang out."
- X-men: Daria’s Evolution, by Reven384 (part 3): "'Some of you don’t have anywhere else to go. Some of you do. I’d like to extend the offer to join the X-men. We can provide you a safe haven to learn how to use your powers,' Scott said."