Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day!

Jake's clearly having a pleasant Father's Day, which you can tell because he's smiling instead of railing at the ceiling about his childhood. For an even better Father's Day, Helen and the girls might even let him cook something for dinner! After first confiscating the pepper, of course.

Let's hope that if he does the cooking then Jake uses plenty of healthy ingredients in honor of Fresh Veggies Day. If he's running out (because I seriously doubt the Morgendorffer family stocks fresh food of any kind) then he could check with Kevin and Brittany to see if they have any leftovers from the Food in Film Festival.

Finally, it was on this day that the episode "Too Cute" first aired in 1997. Quinn tried to get $6,000 in plastic surgery, Daria showed some genuine concern for her sister, and Upchuck found a new hobby relating to fake boobs that no one wants to think about.

Fandom News!

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