Sunday, June 30, 2024

Jane's Right; She DOES Grow Lovelier By the Day!

Daria's dressed up for the anniversary of the publication of the book Gone with the Wind on this day in 1936. I don't think Quinn had cosplaying in mind when she invited Daria to watch the movie with her, but one thing I know for sure: Daria is definitely still wearing her boots under there.

Coming back to the modern day, please feel free to celebrate Social Media Day by either posting something online or, better yet, contributing to the now-dormant Facebook episodes Iron Chef I posted back in 2010. I have no doubt that Quinn is a prolific poster on every possible social media platform, and I bet she competes fiercely with Sandi over who has the most followers.

Finally, it was on this day in 1997 that the episode "The Big House" first aired, in which we learned that Mr. DeMartino has a heart condition, Jake doesn't know the difference between Thomas Jefferson and Joseph Stalin, and Daria plays a mean harmonica.

Fanfic Update!
  • The Betrothed, by easmith (part 25): "Arthur went limp and slumped down, still held in Alissa’s arms, and she slowly and carefully lowered his body to the floor; Roderick kept a secure hold on the knife, ensuring it remained securely lodged in Arthur’s skull, being careful that the wound the blade had created was kept plugged so that bleeding would be minimal."

  • Homecoming, by davidfalkayn (part 28): "'Over here.' Nikki directed, pointing to an empty booth. 'A cozy corner booth where we can see what’s going on without anyone bothering us.'"

  • Spider Quinn 10 The New Heroes, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 1): "It was an ordinary winter night in Lawndale. Quinn Morgendorffer was waiting for a date to arrive in her room. Then an unexpected news report came on."

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