Tuesday, June 18, 2024

He Caught a Fish THIS Big!

Mack has had a very successful Go Fishing Day, although the best part was probably being able to spend some quiet time away from Kevin. Although I'm not a fan of fishing, personally--yuck--I hope anyone who does enjoy it gets some time out at the water today.

If you don't feel like cooking your catch, that's great because it's also Sushi Day! Just don't go to Tokyo Toby's, or as it's known in medical circles, the worm factory.

Poor Jake learned that lesson the hard way in "My Night at Daria's," which aired on this day in 2001. I think he'd rather go through the ordeal all over again, though, than face Daria after catching Tom sneaking out of the house. Poor awkward Jake.

Fanfic Update!
  • Dare I Say Sisterly, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "Quinn sauntered her way inside as she entered the Morgendorffer household."

  • Spider Quinn 09 A Part of the Journey, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (COMPLETE!): "Quinn and Daria arrived at the theater in the Lexus. 'Why did you come again?' Daria asked."

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