Friday, June 14, 2024

Viva Mack!

Mack looks especially defiant in honor of the anniversary of Che Guevara's birth on this day in 1928. I don't know what specific causes Mack might want to organize a rebellion over, but if Ms. Barch tries to oppress him again he's definitely going to rise up.

If anyone is celebrating Flag Day today, please try to remember the colors as well as you can. No, Kevin, green is not one of them. If you have any difficulty, talk to Mrs. Stoller and I'll sure she'll be able to help in a very condescending tone.

You know, if you're going to be treated like a kindergartner then you might as well act like it and goof off for Monkey Around Day! Jane might think back fondly to the tricycle-riding chimp at her fourth birthday party, while Kevin can wax poetic about how lenient Charles Darwin was with Curious George.

Fanfic Update!
  • The Betrothed, by easmith (part 24): "Meredith woke to the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling and the sound of a crying baby."

  • Face the Rainbow, by wilddogjj (part 2): "The island that marks the southernmost part of the continental US is coming alive."

  • Homecoming, by davidfalkayn (part 27): "Seeing Stacy raise her hand, Angie made a production of looking down at her seating chart before responding."

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