Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I Bet She Puts Quinn's High Pain Tolerance to the Test Often

Everyone should wish poor Jozu a happy Beautician’s Day, and let's hope she's got enough patience to deal with someone as demanding as Quinn. Just listening to Quinn go on and on about the popularity struggles and dating scene in high school would be enough to earn her a 100% tip.

Perhaps Helen should get her hair done for her and Jake's anniversary, because it was on this day in 1975 that they made their commitment vows. Next year is the big 50, guys! Helen, maybe you could consider taking the day off work for it?

If anyone is looking for a tasty treat today, I can recommend pudding for National Chocolate Pudding Day! Just don't let it sit too long, because even Brittany and Daria can agree that pudding should never have skin.

Fanfic Update!
  • Expectavi, by Ranchoth (part 6): "The dark night had thoroughly fallen long before the party reached the safehouse on the outskirts of Bluestone, Colorado."

  • The F Files, by jones2000 (part 13): "'We really should get started on the lists.' 'I am.' His partner said. 'You, on the other hand, are going to bed.'"

  • Miss Impossible, by janendaria4ever (COMPLETE!): "Quinn moped to her bedroom as she stridently coughed. She immediately felt the urge of vomiting as she bolted to the bathroom as rapidly as her legs could take her."

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