Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Keep An Eye Out for Mind Control Babes from Space!

Someone had better warn Artie to make himself scarce because it's World UFO Day and it looks like the aliens are back to take another victim. Today would be a good day to attend a UFO convention, where you can get your picture taken with the cardboard alien!

Perhaps once the danger has passed, Artie can get up and tell everyone about his experiences, as long as he doesn't get stage fright. As it's Freedom From Fear of Speaking Day, I hope he can overcome his fear because I'm sure everyone would like to hear about his nicely pressed pants.

However, why speak when you can say it with dance? It's National Disco Day and dancing to disco music can send a clear message: I have terrible taste in music. Rita might enjoy today, though, as she reminisces about the disco floor at her (first) wedding.

Fandom News!

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