Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Bon Appetit!

Here's Jake living his best life as a chef for National Personal Chef Day, although I can't help but notice that he appears to be pan-frying frozen lasagna. I guess I shouldn't knock it until I've tried it, and at least he doesn't appear to be using a lethal dose of pepper.

Let's also wish Joanne a happy World Snake Day, or rather we will once she gets put back in her tank. In the meantime, be mindful of your surroundings and don't accept any hugs from her no matter how friendly she seems.

Finally, it's National Wedding Invitation Day and I really hope neither Erin nor Rita send out any invitations to weddings. Those two have more than filled their quota on marriages, and I don't think Helen could handle the stress of yet another family event, anyway.

Fanfic Update!
  • Daria Makes A Deal 2.22: You Can (Not) Revise, by Blake C Stacey (BlakeStacey) (COMPLETE!): "IT WAS the first Saturday of 2013, and Daria Morgendorffer felt like Hell."

  • Heavenly wine and roses, by riotsquirrrl (part 1): "'Come out to the Zen with me on Friday night.' 'No, no way. It takes me a week to get the stickiness of the floor out of my boots.'"

  • Homecoming, by davidfalkayn (part 29): "'Hey Mom! I’m going to Barrows’ stables to check up on Lightning. Do you need me to pick up anything from the store?' Angie called out as she picked up the car keys lying on the counter."

  • Spider Quinn 10 The New Heroes, by cfardellbrenorenz29 (part 3): "'Yes, that’s me,' Brittany admitted. She waited to see what SpiderGirl would do next. Whether she would also reveal her secret identity or not."

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