Saturday, July 6, 2024

Be Sure to Celebrate With Some Chackers and Creese!

Helen is clearly regretting her decision to walk into Daria's room without knocking, especially considering it's International Kissing Day and she really should have known better. It's all right, Helen! Just go find Jake and celebrate with him...for the two minutes of spare time you allow yourself per day, and assuming he isn't currently raging at his long-dead father.

I am very pointedly not going to wish Daniel Dotson a happy National Daniel Day, because the man is a sleaze and a hack and he just doesn't deserve nice things. Fortunately, he and Alison will probably be more than enough punishment for each other, so it should all work out in the end.

While we're on the subject of things that make people feel sick, it was on this day in 1998 that the episode "Ill" first aired. Daria never really managed to get to the bottom of that mysterious rash, but on the bright side it never came back, either. At least, as far as we know.

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