Monday, July 8, 2024

I'm Very Grateful for the Boxer Shorts

Jake's gone a little too far for Body Painting Day, or at least I hope that's body paint. It seems pretty likely, because given Jake's temperament I doubt he could handle the pain of that much tattooing under any circumstances.

Daria, meanwhile, would much rather celebrate Video Games Day by cracking open that Cannibal Fragfest game. If you feel like celebrating, too, then you could play the Daria's Inferno game, although I suggest you brace yourself when you get to the steam tunnels. Yikes.

If you're feeling young at heart, then please enjoy Be a Kid Again Day! Jake never completely left childhood behind, so this one will be easy for him, but I'm sure Daria will pass.

Fanfic Update!
  • Crystal Claw, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (part 36): "The lonely Garden House was just as cold, isolated and all surrounded by lethal woods as it had ever been, and yet it was really surprising how normal and even lively it could look sometimes, especially through the few sunny days that took place about once every two or three weeks."

  • La Dolce Daria, by wilddogjj (part 2): "Daria, Jane and the Carbones stood on a platform waiting for a train. The kids were complaining."

  • Spider Quinn 10 The New Heroes, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 2): "Quinn saw Mr. DeMartino get annoyed as Ms. Li entered with a new student."

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