Sunday, July 28, 2024

Chocolate For All Parents! Especially Me!

Helen and Jake are celebrating Parents' Day properly with a nice family hug, although Daria might not agree that this is the best way to observe the holiday. Quinn is nowhere to be found, but rest assured that her parents will surely find some way to embarrass and/or horrify her before the day is over.

I am a parent, but I'm thinking I might rather participate in National Milk Chocolate Day! Maybe Jane can eat some unauthorized chocolate at school, or Daria and Tom could steal some of Quinn's candy given to her from her admirers...which, let's be honest, she was never going to eat anyway.

If you do steal chocolate, just don't get caught by the sheriff or you might meet the same fate as Mystik Spiral in the episode "Speedtrapped," which aired on this day twenty-five years ago. The last thing Daria wants to do is make another long drive to bail someone out. Then again, if it gives her an excuse to avoid any further parental hugs, she might just consider it.

Fanfic Update!
  • The Big Notebook, by BracedRhombus (COMPLETE!): "It was a slow afternoon at the Strieder Detective Agency. I was sitting at my table in the school library reading the Lawndale High Code of Ethics and laughing at the funny parts, when She walked in."

  • Spider Quinn 10 The New Heroes, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 5): "Later that evening there was a surprise on the news. 'Breaking news. A third vigilante has been sighted in Lawndale. The description matches neither SpiderGirl nor Ninja Talon.'"

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