Friday, July 12, 2024

Leader of the Mack!

Mack's ready to roll for National Motorcycle Day, although I wish he was wearing a helmet. Considering he's the only one on the football team with a functioning brain, it might be a good idea to protect it as much as possible. Kevin, meanwhile, can feel free to be "rebellent" by riding without protection. It's not like there's anything to damage, anyway.

I hope Daria and Jane share a round of cheese fries in honor of National French Fry Day, but let's hope Quinn doesn't decide to regale us with her "Greasy Fry" masterpiece. No one wants to hear crappy poetry when they're trying to enjoy their junk food.

Last but not least, it was on this day in 2000 that the episode "Legends of the Mall" first aired. That was long enough ago that the year 2000 itself could now feature as a period-specific era for an urban legend in the episode!

Fanfic Update!
  • Choice of the Cheerleader 02 - A Fair of Change, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (COMPLETE!): "While Quinn was talking to Brittany, Stacy approached Kevin."

  • Daria Makes A Deal 2.22: You Can (Not) Revise, by Blake C Stacey (BlakeStacey) (part 4): "The party thrummed and pulsed and mingled with itself. It wound around furniture and up steps."

  • Harry Potter Morgendorffer, by Meester_Lee (part 37): "Albus Dumbledore was forced to set aside the problem of finding and destroying Tom Riddle’s horcruxes for the next several days to deal with other matters: his duties as head of the International Confederation of Wizards, as Chief Warlock in the Wizengamut, and with running Hogwarts."

  • he’s stupid (i’m smarting), by silly56 (COMPLETE!): "your feet are planted on the floor, palms rested on the cool comforter beneath you."

  • Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have), by wacokid (COMPLETE!): "'Look, Daria, the proof is irrefutable.' 'Jane, this is ridiculous."

  • Upchuck's Future Career in Media (Scenes no Daria fanfic Should Have: How did We survive?), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "In his studio, Charles Ruttheimer III was waiting for the cue before going back into his ranting monologue."

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