Monday, August 19, 2024

Bake 'Em, Mash 'Em, Stick 'Em in a Stew!

Mr. O'Neill is taking an unusual method to celebrate National Potato Day, and it's quite fitting as well: his head is empty as either a plastic toy or a teacher. If Jake decides to go the "Angela's Ashtray" route by feeding the family potatoes, I hope he remembers to order the correct steak to serve with them.

Jane, meanwhile, can take some pictures of spuds for World Photography Day, because she was always quite handy with a camera. Especially if Daria was involved and doing something particularly embarrassing.

I suppose she should take pity on her friend, though, because it's World Humanitarian Day and therefore a great day to show compassion. Note to the Fashion Club, though: it takes more than a pitiful clothing drive haul or a mirror plaque to qualify as a philanthropist.

Fandom News!
  • R.I.P., Wally Amos.

  • Discuss an article by Loretta Swit on the current state of TV.

  • cfardell_Brenorenz29 posted a new Iron Chef: The Unmentioned Lawndale.

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