Friday, August 9, 2024

Nothing Like Catching Up With Your Best Frenemy!

It might look like Linda and Helen are calling to wish each other a happy National Women's Day, but we all know better, don't we? Obviously they're just using the day as an excuse to make passive-aggressive insults and try to one-up each other on who's more happy and successful. As usual.

Meanwhile, Daria will just stay out of the battle area and enjoy Book Lover’s Day by, of course, reading. Not that she needs a specific holiday to do that, but it's nice to be able to claim that she's participating in something once Helen gets off the phone.

Trent and Jesse, however, can pull out their old records and celebrate Frank Zappa Day! I hope they don't get into another argument about whether he sounds better digital versus analog. It's just going to end in a fish sticks commercial.

Fanfic Update!
  • Crystal Claw, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (part 39): "The sleepy town of Lawndale, Pennsylvania had fallen into deep mourning and shock."

  • Full Green Jacket, by Kristen Bealer (part 1): "Daria trudged miserably through Jim's Paintballing Jungle, wishing with every step that she was doing something more interesting like reading a book or counting the cracks in her ceiling or even sitting through one of Mr. O'Neill's self-esteem classes. At least in class she wasn't expected to do any physical activity."

  • Homecoming, by davidfalkayn (part 30): "'So, you’re a lieutenant commander, Angie?' 'Yeah.' Angie responded with a smile as she cinched her saddle tight."

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