Tuesday, August 13, 2024

No, Brittany, Your OTHER Left!

Brittany needs a little time to figure out whether or not she should be celebrating Left Handers Day, because if she has to take remedial art then she needs to prepare for the worst. As someone who lives with two left-handed people, all the southpaws out there have my sympathy for all of the smeared ink and uncomfortable school desks you've had to endure. Let's all give the lefties in fandom a hand! (Get it?)

Of course, I mean giving them a hand figuratively, not literally, even though it's World Organ Donation Day. As pointed out by Daria and Jane, organ donation is the one facet of life where you aren't judged by your looks. Unless it's your eyes.

Finally, happy birthday to the late Alfred Hitchcock, who was born on this day in 1899. He was considered a master of suspense, and we know Tom was a fan because he invited Daria to see Rope at a Hitchcock festival in Is It College Yet? Surprisingly, I haven't been able to find any fanfic crossovers with Hitchcock movies, but I bet it would be fun. Anyone want to give it a try?

Fanfic Update!
  • Complicated, by janendaria4life (part 1): "Daria, during the summer after her eventful graduation, decides to take a return to Lawndale."

  • Full Green Jacket, by Kristen Bealer (COMPLETE!): "'So, the three of you understand what you're supposed to do?' Sandi asked the three Js slowly, looking without optimism at their cheerful but dumb faces."

  • Home is Where the Heart Is, by RadioFox (COMPLETE!): "The early morning sun beamed through the window. The birds chirped, combining into a beautiful song. Inside, Jane slowly opened her blue eyes and looked around. Helen and Daria were still sleeping beside her."

  • Lucy in the Sky with Daria, by Blake C Stacey (BlakeStacey) (COMPLETE!): "Daria steps into the room and out of her coat. She launches the latter at the armchair and curls over to begin untying her boots."

  • Run, Timmy, Run, by wilddogjj (part 1): "A bunch of eleven- and twelve-years old boys are taking turns demonstrating their football skills on the field while the head coach, a dark-haired man in his mid-thirties, watches and takes notes."

  • Spider Quinn 11 The Huntsmans, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 1): "'Good Morning, Students! I’m proud to announce that the annual La-awndale High Spelling Bee will be held this Friday!'"

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