Saturday, August 3, 2024

Stay Out of the Splash Zone!

Jesse is doing his best Gallagher impression and taking an unusual route to celebrating National Watermelon Day. Weird as it might be, it's still less weird than greasing it up and wrestling it out of the water. For those of you who want to celebrate this holiday, I suggest simply...eating it.

You could even gather around a fire to eat for Campfire Day, which comes with a bonus of being able to roast s'mores and tell scary stories. Maybe don't tell the kind of stories the Morgendorffers told around their campfire, though. Seductive vampires and clunky gold sequins are not especially frightening.

Still, we know Daria can tell a good story (scary or not) because she managed to write some very entertaining tales in the episode "Write Where It Hurts," which aired on this day in 1998. I will never look at card games the same way again.

Fandom News!


Scruffles said...

OMG you still have this going! MOST EXCELLENT! Here is a link to my stories thru the WayBack Machine:

Kristen Bealer said...

Thank you! You're always welcome to post here anytime you want. :)