Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Always Wear Your Sunscreen!

Brittany's paying a visit to Better Days Nursing Home for Senior Citizen’s Day, and I have no doubt that she'll be as popular there as she is at school...possibly because her high-pitched voice can likely be heard by even the deafest residents. Maybe Daria will visit Mrs. Blaine with her latest Melody Powers story, because who doesn't enjoy an appreciative audience--or at least an audience who pretends to be appreciative?

Happy birthday to the American Bar Association, which was founded on this day in 1878. I'm sure Helen would be happy to know that one of the cornerstones of her profession is still going strong, although I wouldn't expect her to take any time off to celebrate.

Finally, let's hope Quinn doesn't decide to celebrate National Poets Day, especially because I'm not sure that the words she generates actually count as poetry. I'd even rather listen to Andrea's poems than that greasy fry opus.

Fanfic Update!
  • Crystal Claw, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (part 40): "At first, the shaken Quinn could do nothing but to stay there in silence, crying and shivering in the shadows as her once safe refuge threatened to fall and collapse at any moment."

  • A Dumbass and The Cynic, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "It was a normal day in Highland High School, and Daria Morgendorffer was sitting at her seat in Mr. Van Drisessen's classroom."

  • Reverse the Chase, by BracedRhombus (part 1): "'Hello, ladies!' A smarmy voice cut into Daria and Jane’s discussion about their weekend plans."

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