Thursday, August 1, 2024

Well, No, That Mountain Does NOT Make You Look Fat

I see Tiffany already has a head start on celebrating Mountain Climbing Day, but I really hope she isn't going up on her own. The buddy system (even if no one can stand to listen to her talk) is important even for people of normal intelligence. Then again, climbing a mountain in a group didn't work out so well in "Antisocial Climbers," did it?

If Helen and Quinn decide to climb any mountains, they should schedule it in one of Deena Decker's planners in honor of National Planner Day. Helen's is most likely "WORK" written on every page, while Quinn can barely squeeze any other activities in between dates in hers.

Of course, physical planners are soooo old fashioned, especially considering that it's World Wide Web Day. Be like Jake and log onto the world wide weberverse! Or the information superhighway. Whatever the kids are calling it these days.

Fanfic Update!
  • The Betrothed, by easmith (part 27): "Dylan sat on the couch in the common room of the boarding house, idly twirling a beer in one hand and a pen in the other, one eye on the TV and the other on the blank notebook on his lap."

  • Crystal Claw, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (part 38): "t was true that days and nights still followed a natural pattern even in the depths of Sallakovia, and yet the lost soul of a certain Lawndale girl had already lost all track of time and of how long she had already been stuck at that place."

  • Life Gets Better Every Letter That You Write Me, by ladyevil (part 4): "'So, in my dream,' Helen said as she lounged on Dr. Becky’s couch. 'Daria acts like she doesn’t even know me. Only, it’s not an act like it is with Quinn when she likes to pretend that she’s not related to Daria or Jake. She genuinely doesn’t seem to recognize me, and she acts like I’m just some crazy lady who claims to be her mother. She’s all "I don’t have a mother. Get away from me". And so, I chase after her. She’s not running in the dream, but I am, and yet, she just gets further and further from, which does not make any sense.'"

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