Sunday, August 31, 2008

Inside Joke

Ever wonder what Daria and Jane would look like in a comic that Jane drew? Neither did I, but we find out the answer anyway in "Jane's Addition" (see illo at right). Interesting new look for both.

Speaking of which, Daria and Jane made a surprise appearance in an online comic seven years ago today, in "The New Adventures of Bobbin." Cute, very cute.

Marvelous ficlet by WacoKid in this thread. Wow.
  • Schismatic, by Smileyfax (Part 2): Jake checked the closet, but found nothing but several copies of Daria's favorite jacket, a shade of dark green which turned almost black when splashed with blood--


  • John Lane 36: Promises, by Richard Lobinske (Part 4): "You don't need to stay out as long as I did for my prom," said Helen. "Oh?" Daria said. "Never mind," her mother quickly added.
  • Legion of Lawndale Heroes 13.3, by Brother Grimace (teaser): "Nobody wants to be stuck in a little room Night of the Comet-style with tubes draining blood and spit so rich people and their friends never die.”
  • Sometimes It Rains, by legendeld (Parts 4 and 5): “They got past the barricades downstairs. I’m trapped in my room, and I don’t know how long the door will hold. You have to help me!”
  • Stacy Rowe, Seeker (Part II), by jtranser (continued): The consequences of making a wrong turn in a derelict shopping mall.
  • Two Aunts, by legendeld (Part 1): “Don’t spoil your appetite, or you won’t have room for any haggis!”

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