Sunday, November 30, 2008

Big Character, Little World

Daria would, I firmly believe, be a big fan of the writings of Jonathan Swift, particularly Gulliver's Travels. Today is the 341st anniversary of Mr. Swift's birth. I can't make out all the little people wandering on and around Daria, only a few of them. Pity.

Famed photographer Gordon Parks was born 96 years ago. Jane Lane would know all about him.

I've decided this blog needs to have more stuff. Like link buttons, at left. I am using the actual button images from MTV's 2000-era Daria website, with some modifications. Now you can have music just like the actual show had while you browse around. Might try some other things, too. It would be interesting to have this blog play Mystik Spiral tunes, but perhaps "interesting" is the wrong word here.


Greybird said...

Oh, I'd see Daria going much more for Swift's justly famous "Modest Proposal."

She'd probably see it as needed realism, rather than as satire. Or fuel for a Melody Powers tale.

Or wish-fulfillment! The Fashion Club, lightly sautéed, served with a Bernaise sauce ... dee-LISH-ous!

{wicked grin}

The Angst Guy said...

I believe Decelaraptor covered this possibility in a ficlet he did. Let me see if I can find it.

The Angst Guy said...

Oh, Decelaraptor, you wonderful evil genius you:

Scroll down to the third post. Perfect.

Too bad there were no fava beans.