Using the most likely birth year for Daria from Richard's exhaustive chronological study, she would be 27 today. This varies, however, even with Richard's stories. Take your pick.
More on Daria's birthday (and her various other birthdays in fanfic) later today. And if you were to meet her today and found yourself overcome with emotion, she has this bit of advice: click here. You were warned.
P.S. Today is also the 145th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, well worth rereading. It is also World Toilet Day today, but we are not going there despite all the disgusting Beavis and Butt-head pictures and stories I could use, oh the horror. That poor Holiday Island High teen.
That's Daria? Looks like Quinn to me.
(Don't let Daria know I said that).
The funny thing is, if you take the original picture and intensify the color, Daria's hair turns to Quinn's bright orange. I wonder if Daria's hair started out red-orange and turned auburn as she got older. It would kill her to think she had anything in common with Quinn.
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